
Photo Competition Winner

Mr. Charles Mauleverer is composing this Environmental Symphony with the intent to inspire climate action to collectively reverse global warming. SustainableOman was chosen for a photographic entry from Oman.

Winning Entry

The Environmental Symphony Photo Competition concluded on 30th June 2020 and the winning entry is from Dr. Hawwa Nasser Al Qusimy with the message, “for the love of our grandchildren”.

Hawwa is a retired doctor on emergency medicine from the Ministry of Health and now a professional photographer. She participated in various conservation projects especially those related to marine life and ready to help with any program that will help sustain the natural life and beauty of Oman and the world.  After winning, she joined SustainableOman, too, as the Team’s Photographer and Interpreter, as she quipped,

“I hope it’s not only the photo that could remain and remind us the existing beauty of Oman, I hope the next generations will be able to witness themselves beyond what my lens have captured.”

The winning photo has been submitted to Mr. Charles Mauleverer to represent Oman in One Home: An Environmental Symphony.

Honorable Mentions

It is worth mentioning the other beautiful entries we have received and we would like to thank everyone who participated – it was indeed a happy challenge to decide which photos to represent Oman.

By Jacobus Croese – For the love of an unspoilt beach and unpolluted sea, enjoyed by the local Camels roaming free
Moosa Al Harjj – إذ تعد السلطنة من البلدان الغنية بمختلف أنواع النباتات، وتضم أراضيها مجموعة كبيرة متنوعة من النباتات وأشجار الفواكة والمحاصيل المختلفة صيفا وشتاء، فالمناخ بالسلطنة يشمل المناطق المعتدلة صيفا والباردة شتاء كنيابة الجبل الأخضر بولاية نزوى، ويتصدر الجبل الأخضر الذي يعد جزءا من سلسلة جبال الحجر قائمة الأنتاج الفواكة منها التفاح والخوخ والمشمش واللوز والجوز والعنب والكمثرى ووالكرز والزيتون ووالتين وكذلك تقطير ماء الورد.
Chandra Prakash – for the love of oasis

SustainableOman Photo Competition

Call for Entries

It is with great excitement that SustainableOman shares this wonderful opportunity with the community, just as we complete the recent 50th Anniversary of Earth Day 2020 celebrations.

Mr. Charles Mauleverer is composing this Environmental Symphony with the intent to inspire climate action to collectively reverse global warming.

SustainableOman was chosen for a photographic entry from Oman.

Photo Submission

SustainableOman is looking for photographs of something important and/or iconic to the Sultanate of Oman that will be affected by climate change.

The image shall be accompanied by a separate message in the format of “For the love of _______,” and the photo should represent this element or idea.

For example, a Canadian might say “For the love of glaciers,” with a photo of snowy Rocky Mountains, or, “Pour l’amour du sirop d’erable,” with a photo of the maple trees.

The message with your photo, in the above format, should be in either ARABIC or ENGLISH.

The message will be incorporated into the choir’s lyrics of the symphony and will also appear with the image.


Photo Requirements

SustainableOman is looking for photographs of something important and/or iconic to Oman that will be affected by climate change.

We urge photographers to visually realize this very important requirement of the photo competition, to think about and carefully reflect the work through this lens.

  1. No more than two (2) photos per person
  2. Photo(s) parameters:
    • jpg file format
    • landscape orientation
    • 3000 x 2000 pixels (maximum of 6 MB)
    • no logo or watermark
  3. Caption in Arabic or English “for the love of _________________”
  4. File name: Last.First Name.Location_EnvSymph.jpg

There are no other specific requirements.

It is just really important to see Oman well represented.


Eligibility and Selection

Anyone living in Oman with a camera may participate and submit up to two (2) photographs for entry for the Environmental Symphony competition.

All submissions will be judged by an expert panel and one finalist will be selected.


Top Entry Award

  • Photo, message, and the first name of the photographer used in the Environmental Symphony to represent Oman
  • A plant or tree to beautify the finalist’s home or garden in Oman


Honorable Mentions

  • Recognized on SustainableOman’s website
  • Images possibly featured on SustainableOman’s website and promoted on our social media platforms



By entering the Environmental Symphony photo competition and submitting photographic entries for the project through SustainableOman, you give permission to use the photos, messages, and first name of the photographer by SustainableOman and the Environmental Symphony on all platforms where the symphony will be presented.

The aim is to perform the symphony in as many countries as possible around the world, raising awareness for the globally pertinent issues and social responsibilities surrounding climate change.

Ownership of the photo will remain with the artist.



Please submit final entries to hello@sustainableoman.com by June 30, 2020.

The winner will be announced on July 15, 2020.

The ambition for this project is to create a recorded version of the symphony by the end of 2021, with all the countries’ photographic submissions included.

We look forward to receiving many submissions. We hope that this project presents a welcome and joyful distraction and an opportunity to bring about change, igniting creative ideas for personal actions to reduce carbon emissions.



Sarah Hale, a resident of Oman for nearly 10 years, is the co-founder and photographer at local company, Booma.

Sarah has a Bachelor of Arts in Photojournalism from University of Minnesota and over ten years experience working as a professional photographer in a range of subjects.

Her biggest passion is conservation and has done several projects with local organisations to create awareness about the precious biodiversity of Oman.




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